Friday, 23 January 2015

Gospel newcomer, Jim Jimmy talks to Mulika Entertainment.

Gospel newcomer, Jim Jimmy talks to Mulika Entertainment.

Gospel artiste opens up about life, 
    Ministry and the latest gospel sagas. 

The gospel fraternity in Kenya and the region of late has been marred by lots controversies, scandals and allegations ranging from pastors being caught pants down, to marriage break ups among other not so good news especially for people who are believed to have seen the light. Well, that’s another story for another day. Today we are focusing on our first ever interview in our platform.

This platform has been established to recognize and expose new/fresh talent of budding musicians, poets and fashion designers as well. We are looking forward to interviewing anyone who is willing to be part and parcel of this. We need your unwavering support in this.
Well to start off, MULIKA ENTERTAINMENT writer Fred Nzomo caught up with a Kahawa based gospel artiste and after a couple of hours compiled the following interview for you. The artiste talks about his ministry, the challenges and the latest scandals surrounding the gospel industry. Read and enjoy.

Jim Jimmy
Jim Jimmy

Fred:                              So what’s your stage name?

Jim Jimmy:                   Jim jimmy

Fred:                              Tell us about jim jimmy? who is jim jimmy?

Jim Jimmy:                   Jim jimmy is an upcoming gospel musician.

Fred:                              So where does jimmy come from and where is he based today?

Jim Jimmy:                   I come from muranga...mugoiri...but currently am in Nairobi, kahawa

Fred:                              When and when did you start your music career?

Jim Jimmy:                   I started sing last the age of kusini....records

Fred:                              How has it been ever since you started singing?

Jim Jimmy:                   Singing is not that easy..a lot of .lack of money .piracy.....among others  but God has been on my side.

Fred:                              Bearing in mind what is happening today, what’s your take on the current trends in the gospel industry? Is the gospel in Kenya taking or in the right direction?

Jim Jimmy:                   In the country. Gospel has changed....if God grants someone favor...he. or she can go far...we have seen our gospel musician going willy paul, eshter wahome,angela chimbalonza among many

Fred:                              You are a gospel artiste, which kind or music/genre do you do?

Jim Jimmy:                   Worship n a bit of lingala

Gospel artiste Jim Jimmy on stage.

Fred:                              There has been a lot of debate on social media about the genre or style of music Kenyan gospel artistes are using like lingala,ragga,etc, whats your take/input on this?

Jim Jimmy:                   It depends on someones’ calling .people have different calling...some people can do lingala others bongo...we are talented differently

Fred:                              Given a chance to respond to those people who claim that the new breed of Gospel musicians in Kenya is after money and not necessary preaching the gospel, what would you tell them?

Jim Jimmy:                   People should stop judging others seriously music is very tough..n In order to make money u pass through a lot of challenges n temptations......before judging us think twice hehe

Fred:                              You saw when bahati was attacked by the media for allegedly sagging in one of his performances, what can you say on dress code for artistes especially when performing?

Jim Jimmy:                   Actually I don’t interfere with peoples life...he is matured and he knows what right n wrong......but we should be good example to those people who are watching us.

Fred:                              You are a fresh artiste, where do you want to see yourself in the next 5 years?

Jim Jimmy:                   I would like to be an international artiste by then.

Fred:                              Given a chance to advice your fellow budding gospel, what would you tell them?

Jim Jimmy:                   They should put God in everything...n their dreams will come true

Fred:                              Anyone in your life?

Jim Jimmy:                   ezn?

Fred:                              What would you wish to tell your fans?

Jim Jimmy:                   Mafans nawatreasure sana..n I have a surprise for u this year....nawapenda sana.

Fred:                             Any other partying shot?

Jim Jimmy:                   By the way I have new track coming soon...a dance hall one

Watch/listen to his new song WIMBO HUU here .


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