Tuesday, 20 January 2015

#EndPovertyinKenya Blog Contest

#EndPovertyinKenya Blog Contest

How can international assistance/World Bank help #EndPovertyinKenya?

 In Kenya, poverty is a national disaster and it’s among the many challenges that the country of Kenya is facing at the moment and as a result, it has dwarfed national development almost in all sectors. i.e economic sector thus affecting the living standards of  all Kenyans negatively. To help deal with this social threat, the world bank has to highlight and target these areas that will have the biggest impact to reduce poverty not only in KENYA but also Africa at large.
To do this, the world bank, among other donors in collaboration with the Kenya government should at least engage the youth in the following sectors.

1. AGRICULTURE-  75% of the world’s population live in rural areas thus improved and conducive agricultural environment will give the youth the opportunity to focus on agriculture thus making it possible to  reduce poverty by directly increasing income and indirectly through generation of self employment and reduction of food prices. This is achieved by focusing on rural agriculture by relevant mechanization of farm implements and subsidizing seedling prices. Modern Irrigation methods also help in all season production and reduce dependency on natural rains which are in adequate in most regions in Kenya.

2.  EXPANSION OF FORMAL EDUCATION - This can be achieved  by supporting the government in funding of free education both primary and secondary education which will help to have an educated nation ,leading to emergence of innovators and entrepreneurs that in turn create employment opportunities for the Kenyan unemployed masses.

3. INFORMAL SECTOR DEVELOPMENT - Rural electrification for instance, leads to cheap and improved farm production, it also helps in the JUA KALI SECTOR which provides innovation, cheap goods which are affordable and easily available to Kenyans using the locally sourced material thus creation of self employment and automatic poverty reduction.

4. YOUTH EMPOWERMENT – The World Bank has been sponsoring the Kenyan youth through the Kenya private sector in training and internship project that has helped the youth acquire relevant skills in the workplace, this needs to be kept going as it is a gateway to reducing poverty in Kenya.

5. POLITICAL POLICIES- The World Bank should inject funds in government policies which directly have effect on the common Kenyan citizen. Like CDF, FREE MEDICATION for a health and working nation for maximization of labor. The World Bank should directly work with counties to empower growth from the grass root.

6. FIGHTING CORRUPTION- The World Bank should stand tall and fight corruption so that there is equal distribution of revenue and resources collected that can have impact on the economy that directly has impact on the common "mwananchi". Corruption has made the rich more rich and left the poor languishing in poverty .The world bank should fund accountable ventures and cut funding to corrupt enterprises.

                   With this taken into account and followed to the later poverty in Kenya will be History. God bless WORLD BANK and my beloved country KENYA as we fight this deadly disease called POVERTY.

1 comment:

  1. It is indeed high time that we Kenyans should put classical mechanisms on how to deal with poverty because i mean frankly speaking is a national disaster and a time bomb if we do not counter it in the best way possible. I totally agree with the above arguments that if we collaborate with the international community like THE WORLD BANK we can move miles. and make a difference in our Kenyan community.
