Wednesday, 19 November 2014



Away from the stripping saga now, i bet we have had enough of that.
I have  been having conversations with various friends of mine on different topics and relationships have been part of them. Well i was told that single people are the best relationship and marriage counselors ever and its true if  what i have seen of late is anything to go by. Those single relationship advisers are very much around and are not apologetic either since they seem to know it all(am one of them). A good example is this self proclaimed 'city girl' by the name NJOKI CHEGE who has been trending widely on social media for not so good reasons.She is single just like me, but she is way older than me,the last time i checked i was still 18  and that was like 3 years ago.So i don't need to rush.Do i?
Njoki chege penned down an article in one of her columns in one of the daily newspapers we have around. The article, which made her the talk of town and trend for almost two good weeks seemed to rub men the wrong way. I contemplated replying to her, but then again i was deterred because what she had said was none of my business since what she wrote was her opinion and as them say, in Kenya everybody is entitled to their own opinion-they call it democracy. Even insulting people seems to be democracy in Kenya today. Njoki is very much single,she is not dating now and she is not going to date any time soon for obvious reasons known best to her alone.
Njoki gave  a couple of reasons why she is not dating and probably why she is not going to date any time soon. And the biggest reason was that the Men who qualify to marry her, are all married-so unfortunate i guess. So why is it that way? Well Njoki believes that anyone below the age of 34 years in the name of a man is not refined and thus not mature enough for her hand in marriage.She is not interested with 29 years old 'boys' who are still strangling to live a life.Njoki has the guts to abuse men, those who live in south b,roysambu,kinoo, those who drive Subaru,those who drink cheap liquor and so forth.
Well somebody replied to Njoki in a very mature way, but i beg to also do that.
Njoki listen, you are alleging that all 34 year old mature refined men who qualify to date/marry you are all married? Well were they not at some point 29 year old? They own cars worth 3 million,they drink expensive whiskey,they are not on twitter,fb or instagram? Were they born and immediately jumped the success ladder to be where they are today? So they never did cheap drinks? They didn't attend cheap events like masaku sevens? Well i beg to differ. Those mature men were once boys at some point in their lives, they did all manner of things to enjoy their time and celebrate their boyish age. So Njoki don't forget sister that boys will always be boys.
So this is the bitter truth to Njoki and company, those 34 year old men were not like that when they were 26 or 27. But somebody met them, took them and accepted them for who they were.They then embarked on a mission of refining them,molding them and making them grow at all lengths to be who they are today. It took somebodies time and effort to refine those 29 year old twitter and instagram braggarts as you call them to refine them so that you can admire them. So YOU ARE ADMIRING SOMEBODIES INVESTMENT, which is a crime because its very expensive. With the kind of mentality you have, you cant afford it. I beg you cant. So there is a big possibility that you are going to be single sister and as fate would have it finally fall for a married mature man as a number two or three. And that's theft.  Na sijakuita mwizi tafadhali. Age is just but a number, you might brag since you are just 25, well, wait until you get to forty and still single,then come and tell me the meaning of that saying. I promise to listen.
So my advice to you and like minded Nairobi chics, go out there, grab that 29 year old drunkard, work on him,refine him, mold him and in not time he will be such a cool husband material. At least you will have some pride because you worked on your way to success,you will enjoy the 3 million ride,the expensive finished apartment in lavington, you will enjoy expensive holiday trips to Canada and Italy, you will do shopping not in Qatar,but in new york city ,because you worked for it. But do as you wish. meanwhile you can sit down and relax, Mr refined mature man is coming your way. Misleading faith. #yourdecisionyourchoice. That's so
misleading i tell you.

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