Friday, 28 November 2014


It will be on 7th of December from 2 pm to 6.30 pm. Gospel minister GEORGE IKIUGU alias Kanjo will be dropping his first debut album titled BWANA MUNGU at the Christ's Ambassadors Celebration Centre South B. The launch is expected to bring together some lots of budding musicians from different denominations who will be gracing the event in support of this cool brother in Christ. Come prepared to experience the ultimate praise and worship from different ministers. And before i forget we have small charges, ADULTS 150 BOB (GET A COPY OF THE ALBUM) AND 100 BOB WITHOUT A COPY WHILE CHILDREN WILL BE REQUIRED TO JUST PAY 100 SHILLINGS ONLY.
We will keep you updated as soon as we receive more information in our media house.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

MY LIFE !!!!!! MY STORY!!!! MY PURPOSE. #HolysonSpeaks.



Holysan( stage name) Is a Young born again gospel Artiste who discovered the ability to Sing/compose a song Back In 2009.
His Passion for music grew by each day and later decided to pursue music as a Ministry since to Him It was a calling from God which he could never ignore or take for granted. In 2010 while in form three he developed a passion for writing which saw him start writing on contemporary issues facing the current society in Kenya, still that wasn't enough for this boy.
In 2011 Holysan through the inspiration of his friends decided to try out acting in school,he got the chance to represent his school in the school drama festivals as an oral narrative performer. That made his ambitions to act in the future after school grow stronger.
Today, Holysan is living for his dream, he is now a recording/performing artiste,a writer, a blogger and an actor.
"i will live to see myself fulfill the desires of ma loyal heart, i believe if God Chose Me , he Had A Divine Reason and Purpose to do that. Am Living For That Purpose To date." declares Holysan

Holyson, whose real name is Fredrick Nzomo, was born some twenty years ago in the remote areas of Kitui county (which is known for its infamous NZAMBANI ROCK) to Mr and Mrs Patrick Mutinda. He grew up just like other children in the area, facing the many problems  and challenges in life attributed by  family issues. Holyson is the first born in a family of five, one brother by the name Tonny and three sisters namely, Mary,Tina and the last born Chebet.
I  joined Mathulini primary school in 1999 and sat for my  Kenya Certificate of Primary Education in the year 2007. I got the privilege to join Yumbisye secondary school in 2008 where I schooled until in 2011 when I sat for my K.C.S.E. Life in high school was never easy for me, at some point i contemplated quitting school and do some other things, but  i held on up to the last minute courtesy of my lovely mum. She catered for everything in my school days. She was there for me, at all times when i needed her. She is a virtuous woman i love, adore and respect a lot. I usually thank God every time for having her. From Since then i have been doing some short courses though life has not been easy.Currently i am a facilitator at CONQUER INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES(C.I.P.S) A Middle college in Kitengela.

DR. MYLES MUNROE once said this and i quote "the greatest tragedy is not death but life without a purpose". So i ask myself from time to time, what is my purpose? I have always been motivated and inspired to sing for God. To me singing has been my passion something i love doing in all circumstances. My music is a ministry with the responsibility of winning souls to Christ and impacting the lives of everyone i encounter positively. I have a strong force that has been driving me into doing more and more. I have a heart for everyone. And i thank my God for such a heart. Am still pursuing my ambitions for becoming a journalist by merit. So help me God.
And i find my purpose for living in that. 
Am not married but am marrying soon in Jesus name.

Monday, 24 November 2014


Honestly i like giving credit where its due. Music ministry is not an easy task as many people would think,everybody apart from those who have ventured into it thinks that its something you can start today and make it big by tomorrow morning. They are very wrong and in case they need free advice they can always count that on me. I promise to give it free of charge to them. Anyway back to my business here is a cool minister by the name KENNESO. You can call him an artiste,a musician or  gospel minister whichever you find easy to you.He is one of the few guys whom i met when my talent was burning back then. I was very busy looking for a way out coz i desperately wanted to make it.That was then, i later grew up and understood how things are done. lol . Now as we talk Kenneso has been nominated on the ongoing xtreem awards as the tenniez new bongo song of the year and am kindly requesting you to held this hardworking guy bring this award home. I feel he deserves it by merit. Just take you phone, text BQ6 TO 20977 and you will have done good not only to him but to you also. Remember tomorrow its you who is going to be nominated.Then do good to others, the same goodness will be payed back to you.
Kindly and i repeat kindly lets support ken as tenniez  new bongo song of the year.
Blessings galore
Thanks in advance


Its not just new but also very hot. As we say nowadays its thitima ama ukipenda electricity. Well i feel honored to be the first blog and off course the first ever after googles youtube to release this new song to you officially.
Oliboi is a young talented uprising gospel artiste from Governor Mutuas backyard who is doing gospel music in different genres.Am saying he is talented with a lot of confidence because what he has done is an enough proof to this. He is not just talented but also gifted and versatile because from his new song the guy looks like he can blend more than one genres in just one song and bring the best out of it. This is not for publicity matters, hapana but as we say kizuri cha jiuza kibaya cha jitembeza. Na hii song ni kizuri am certain of that.Well, the song premiered last week on youtube and its available for public viewing. you can listen and watch the exclusive dope video  done by the supper talented Nezzoh and audio done by Galaxy media.
So Oliboi the sky is no limit for you, keep on the good work and do the best always. Our prayers are with you son.


It is my joy every morning to wake up and see people of God continue doing what they love doing and not for any other reason but because its a calling from above. I give God all the glory for this talented and most dedicated young man for what he is doing in ministry. He has been doing pretty cool and am honored to see him succeed in whatever he ventures in. Now Evens got the privilege of being nominated as the best western song of the year for the song #ndakhuyaza a very nice song done in the 'lunjee lincua'. So this morning am just beseeching you my fellow brethrens and friends, lets support him by just texting CM3 TO  20977 and by so doing God will bless you. We need each other in this ministry. May God bless you as you plan to vote. Thanks in advance. #peace
Below is a youtube link, you can watch the song there. #blessingsgalore

Wednesday, 19 November 2014



Away from the stripping saga now, i bet we have had enough of that.
I have  been having conversations with various friends of mine on different topics and relationships have been part of them. Well i was told that single people are the best relationship and marriage counselors ever and its true if  what i have seen of late is anything to go by. Those single relationship advisers are very much around and are not apologetic either since they seem to know it all(am one of them). A good example is this self proclaimed 'city girl' by the name NJOKI CHEGE who has been trending widely on social media for not so good reasons.She is single just like me, but she is way older than me,the last time i checked i was still 18  and that was like 3 years ago.So i don't need to rush.Do i?
Njoki chege penned down an article in one of her columns in one of the daily newspapers we have around. The article, which made her the talk of town and trend for almost two good weeks seemed to rub men the wrong way. I contemplated replying to her, but then again i was deterred because what she had said was none of my business since what she wrote was her opinion and as them say, in Kenya everybody is entitled to their own opinion-they call it democracy. Even insulting people seems to be democracy in Kenya today. Njoki is very much single,she is not dating now and she is not going to date any time soon for obvious reasons known best to her alone.
Njoki gave  a couple of reasons why she is not dating and probably why she is not going to date any time soon. And the biggest reason was that the Men who qualify to marry her, are all married-so unfortunate i guess. So why is it that way? Well Njoki believes that anyone below the age of 34 years in the name of a man is not refined and thus not mature enough for her hand in marriage.She is not interested with 29 years old 'boys' who are still strangling to live a life.Njoki has the guts to abuse men, those who live in south b,roysambu,kinoo, those who drive Subaru,those who drink cheap liquor and so forth.
Well somebody replied to Njoki in a very mature way, but i beg to also do that.
Njoki listen, you are alleging that all 34 year old mature refined men who qualify to date/marry you are all married? Well were they not at some point 29 year old? They own cars worth 3 million,they drink expensive whiskey,they are not on twitter,fb or instagram? Were they born and immediately jumped the success ladder to be where they are today? So they never did cheap drinks? They didn't attend cheap events like masaku sevens? Well i beg to differ. Those mature men were once boys at some point in their lives, they did all manner of things to enjoy their time and celebrate their boyish age. So Njoki don't forget sister that boys will always be boys.
So this is the bitter truth to Njoki and company, those 34 year old men were not like that when they were 26 or 27. But somebody met them, took them and accepted them for who they were.They then embarked on a mission of refining them,molding them and making them grow at all lengths to be who they are today. It took somebodies time and effort to refine those 29 year old twitter and instagram braggarts as you call them to refine them so that you can admire them. So YOU ARE ADMIRING SOMEBODIES INVESTMENT, which is a crime because its very expensive. With the kind of mentality you have, you cant afford it. I beg you cant. So there is a big possibility that you are going to be single sister and as fate would have it finally fall for a married mature man as a number two or three. And that's theft.  Na sijakuita mwizi tafadhali. Age is just but a number, you might brag since you are just 25, well, wait until you get to forty and still single,then come and tell me the meaning of that saying. I promise to listen.
So my advice to you and like minded Nairobi chics, go out there, grab that 29 year old drunkard, work on him,refine him, mold him and in not time he will be such a cool husband material. At least you will have some pride because you worked on your way to success,you will enjoy the 3 million ride,the expensive finished apartment in lavington, you will enjoy expensive holiday trips to Canada and Italy, you will do shopping not in Qatar,but in new york city ,because you worked for it. But do as you wish. meanwhile you can sit down and relax, Mr refined mature man is coming your way. Misleading faith. #yourdecisionyourchoice. That's so
misleading i tell you.

Monday, 17 November 2014


The whole of last week saw social media a buzz with one issue,and that was women,their way of dressing and and the stripping saga. Every platform has been awash with all sorts of conversations all ranging from the very big subject-stripping. Since the allegedly stripping saga supposedly carried out by 'embasaava touts' people from walks of life have been condemning the act,terming it as barbaric act and a show of backwardness. It has been a week where men and women have aired their different opinions on the whole issue. The two parties have agreed and differed in equal measure on what is decency,what women should wear or should not and generally whose business is it when it comes to women and their way of dressing hence the birth of the infamous topic on twitter under the hast tag #mydressmychoice. Its was debate un usual where women expressed their frustrations and how they are treated.
Media personalities have come on board, renowned politicians,business people as well and different groups to curse the actions taken by men in the name of 'disciplining women for indecent dressing'.
It is an assault to strip a woman naked,its an offense under the laws of Kenya, but one question is, what happened that led to Kenyan men taking disciplinary actions on their own hands.? Do we have rules and regulations that can administer and regulate on the issue of dressing for both men and women alike? Or are men feeling like the judiciary is doing nothing in instilling some sense when it comes to dress code?
And what sort or argument do men have in this entire issue? According to different  men who have had the privilege to air their opinions on the reasons as to why women are being stripped naked,some said that dressing scantly is sign of provocation for men sexually and hence the consequence. Others hinted that dressing scantly promotes and instills bad and evil morals in the society to the young generations.The opinions been varied from this group to the other. on the other hand,there is a group of men who are on the side of women and sighting with them that no man should strip a woman naked and nobody should try to dictate what a woman puts on their bodies.
Women have exactly the same sentiments and their strongest point is nobody all should dictate how they dress. What they put on their bodies is their business and thus should be nobodies bother.
But men continue to argue that, in as much as they are not trying to dictate what women must wear, they(women) might be stripped the more if they don't embrace 'decent dressing'. So what is this thing men are calling indecent and decent dressing? One might wonder, well am also wondering as well.
A group of men whom i spoke to had this to say,  ' I just love a woman in a maxi dress, or at least a cloth that has covered the body parts which shouldn't just be displayed in public, a mini skirt is just the same as a dude sagging till you see the butt crack when he bends so annoying. I don't support the act that the touts do, but i don't support this ‪#‎mydressMyChoice‬ hashtag.Decency is wanting and what some women wear in town is un acceptable.Their is this trend of just wearing a dress top and translucent tights, Jameni. I know freedom exists and what's decent to me ain't on you but why keep adjusting a mini skirt and you know it is mini?' by poeta dennis a renowned poet and spoken word artiste based in Nairobi.
Others said that you dress the way you want to be addressed, some said that its none of their business what a woman wears while others said if you dress in a handkerchief then you will be treated like one. So some are for dress well and nobody will bother you. Others are for what ladies put on is none of my business. While ladies on the other hand have dared men in many occasions asking them why don't they go to koinange street and strip those women(prostitutes)  there naked?
So its the issue of mini skirts, too short dresses,transparent leggins,tumbo cuts or what? in a country like Uganda there is a law that was signed by president Yoweri Museni to curb and regulate dressing and miniskirts to be precise. So why shouldn't we have our own law in Kenya to do the same? According to one Nderitu Njoka, the chairman for Mandeleo ya Wanaume organization had this to say while on #Thetrend hosted by Larry madowo, ' We need to pass a law that will regulate the dress code in Kenya'. So is a law necessary to end this #mydressmychoice and dressing decently scuffle that has been in the news all week long the way to go? If it will solve the riddle, then i cant object myself. My opinion? Women dress decently, Men respect our women and what they choose to wear.
For those who ask about their children adopting bad morals, bring them up telling them what to put on what not to.Those ones you have control over them.

As i write this down there is group of women called the THE KILIMANI WOMEN GROUP who have planned for a #mydressmychoice demonstrations set for this morning from uhuru park. Am certain that its going to be a fierce battle as far as arriving at a common solution to this matter is concerned.
So women are on the streets a few minutes from now, protesting against assault by men,demanding respect for their dressing, demanding freedom, demanding protection and all other demands they might have come up with.
But the million dollar question that i have this morning is,are we(myself included) Kenyan men ready to embrace the 21st century dress code of our women? I mean accept it and live with it not minding the morals and sexual provocations? Accept and live with it and ignore the fact that our societal morals are on a degradation mode? 
Those are just among the many questions that always arise when this issue of dressing comes up. And according to how things are as at now, we are just too far from the end, but as far as am concerned the end will finally justify the means.
Lets wait as the events unveil.

Friday, 14 November 2014


From the day that event occurred there have been a lot of hullabaloos on whether it was justified for the men who are alleged to be embassava employees(touts) to stripe that woman naked or not. From the video clip that has been making rounds on social media from that day,its evident that, that lady went through a very painful ordeal. That act was so unfortunate.
Those men have been called names, have had insults thrown at them and had all manner of things said about them,But having said that, there is a million dollar question that is lingering from all people, from social media personalities to politicians and different groups from all walks of life.
It is just yesterday when a popular politician and a renown social media guru exchanged bitter words on twitter just because of the same issue. The politician, a prominent Nairobi woman claimed that it was bad and an uncalled for act that was carried out by the said men from embassava company. On the other hand the famous social media guru(name withheld for privacy issues)  had much to say about the whole scuffle that has engulfed in the last three days. He argued that if he meets a lady who is scantly dressed,he will either undress her by himself  or sponsor her undressing. This was in response to what this Nairobi politician had said on her previous tweet.

Now my argument is. should we take the law on our hands and do the same to the women who always dress badly? Is striping a woman naked the right way to go? Is striping a lady naked just because of her short skirt or dress the the only option that we have? What should be done to those ladies who dress scantly? And what also should we do to those men who always do such things to our women?

Lots of issues have been raised. One question that is being asked by many people is, if it were your mum or sister, or wife to whom such act was done to.would you be happy?
I had the privilege to answer that question and my answer was of course No. But then again am left asking myself, why would my mum dress like that? Why would my sister or wife dress half naked and be proud walking in the streets of Nairobi? Where did respect to oneself go to? or is decent dressing the thing that these men are calling 'half naked" dress code?
Every other woman is alleging that no man or nobody at all should judge what they put on their bodies in the name hiding their "nakedness'.

To this far its either our women decide to change, or learn much of these lessons the hard way or men drop minding the half naked dress code on women and mind their own businesses. In as much as am not supporting that 'BARBARIC' act as it is being called,In my own opinion our ladies should embrace a sense of respect in dressing. We understand that every woman is trying their best to stand out, but standing out doesn't give one a guarantee to dress indecently in the name of wanting to look sexy.
I live this issue for public judgement as the debate goes it is now,the issue is far from being settled.
I rest my case.