Friday, 5 December 2014



  Dear Anonymous.


 Am sorry for calling you anonymous, but if I knew your name then I could not be guilty of this offence. And how I wish I knew you. That remains a riddle in my life, but am trusting God, that you are fine wherever you are.
I have sat down, and gave our future life together a deep thought then decided to talk to you about it. And why am I writing this to you and yet I don’t know you? Well, I just want us to talk. Yes, have a real talk.  Take your time and be a part of it.
Marriage is the epitome of everyone’s life. Everybody wishes to fall in love. Everyone wishes to get married in future. Everyone wishes to have a wife or a husband of their own choice. Everyone wishes to have that one person whom they will love and probably walk down the aisle and live together happily there after till the end of their time. Love is universal. And it is the pleasure of everybody to love at some point in their life.
I am not a relationship consultant, adviser or a counselor for that matter but I have found myself having questions which I don’t know whether I will get answers or not.
One of the questions I have is what really happens when people get married or get into a relationship, whether they are dating, courting or flirting? Yes that’s my question because every morning people are divorcing, every morning relationships are breaking, but why?  Yes true love does exist, but does it mean the same true love does come to an end? Am tempted to think yes, love does come to an end. So what are some of the things that make love vanish from our hearts and the next minute you won’t  want to hear the name of somebody whom you had declared your love to. It surprises me, it really does when I hear a fellow talk so badly about their former boyfriends, girlfriends or wives once the ‘divorce’ or ‘breakup’ has been finalized. Somebody whom you shared a bed with, now you don’t want to see them! I really wonder what happens. But that is for another day, today I just want to talk to you my future wife, I hope you will try to find answers to my questions.
First, I will love you the day I will meet you and I will do so for the rest of our lives. I will do whatever it takes to make sure that you are satisfied. But then again I also beg, that whatever I will do, however little it will be, I request you to always be grateful. I will not want to hear you tell the whole world about this and that, or how I am being irresponsible. It is our union, and the world has got nothing to do with it. It is ours and only us can deal with it. Word. Am saying it will be ours because ladies tend to forget and assume the family belongs to a man alone and that you, ladies are not part of its making. That is a naked lie. The day I will lack a coin in my pockets, I trust God because we will eat. And if you happen to use your coins to buy anything in the house, or pay rent among other bills, please for heaven sake don’t make the whole world know how lazy I am, how poor I am, or how irresponsible I have turned out to be and so forth. Always remember that it’s our family and we are building it together.
Secondly, I promise to be faithful to you and you alone. Am born again and I like upholding what has been said in the holy book.  One man for one woman. I will never cheat on you; I will be there for you as my only wife in all circumstances.  You can take that to the bank. It’s a promise.
 I promise to respect the whole of you and everybody else related to you, your parents, your siblings and your family at large, they are your relatives and I will take them as my own relatives. I have relatives too, I will expect you to treat them like the way you would treat your own realtives financial status notwithstanding.  My mum loves me so much, so kindly be aware of this, because I will never want you to start crying ati oh am a mama’s boy! No, am close to my mum and that’s it. It’s my hope that you will live with it that way, but when it comes to decision making family wise your views will get the first priority from me as long as they are valid. And in case you are more educated than me, honey let that not be a reason for looking down on me. Education wise I have tried. I need a round of applause.
I promise to be disciplined at all times, when around you or around anybody else as I have been since birth. Having said that, I know we will be having some light moments as a couple, share jokes,  visit the gym together and go swimming pamoja among other things like visiting dubai for Christmas shopping and visiting Seychelles for our private holidays .
I will trust you as my wife, as my friend and as my unrivaled soul mate. Your life will be mine and my life will be yours. When I go out with my boys, please I beg you; never start assuming that I am with other women out there. You are the only one I love and that gives you a guarantee in totality that you will be the only woman in my life. Suspicion is the most dreaded killer number one of relationships.
As I conclude, communication is very vital. For every relationship to be successful, then communication has to be on top of the agenda. I might not be good when it comes to opening up about my life and what’s up in it but I promise to do my best. I am a man of few words so be aware of that. Having said that, I like embracing healthy conversations and being told what’s going on. If it’s an issue then bring it to the table we deal with it. I won’t like it when I find you crying and when I ask what’s wrong, the best you can tell me is ‘nothing’. Nothing has never been wrong. Always something is wrong. When I wrong you, swiry forgive me. I promise to forgive you at all times. Let this thing called misunderstandings never be a reason for our wrangles.
I will need transparency from you, I will be a man of integrity, and I expect you to be a virtuous woman of my life. Honesty is a vise that I can’t just leave out, it is very vital in our lives. As for the number of kids we will have, I choose to leave that to God, he knows, but a family of four kids is okay.
I have said enough as at now and if we focus and embrace on the ‘small’ things I have mentioned here and there, I promise you that our marriage will stand the test of time. We will do our part and God will do the rest.  All the best in your life and I wish you well till that day we will meet. And make sure you hide yourself in God, because that’s where I will find you.  As at now enjoy your peace.

Yours in love

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